Policies and Procedures

The School Information (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2012 require maintained schools to publish on their website their policies/documents in relation to admission arrangements, behaviour, charging and remissions, and SEN and disability (SEND) provision.

Please click on the link to view the policy/document.

Admissions Arrangements 2016/17

Admissions Arrangements 2017/18

Behaviour Policy

Charging and Remissions Policy

Special Educational Needs (SEN) Policy

SEND Information Report  

Follow the link to the Local Authority Local Offer Website - www.bexleylocaloffer.uk

Sex and Relationships Education


Statutory policies required by other legislation, which impact particularly on schools

Please click on the link to view the policy/document.


Data Protection

Health and Safety (under Review)

Other Statutory documents

Please click on the link to view the policy/document.

Complaints Procedure

Equality information and objectives (public sector equality duty)

Freedom of Information Policy and Procedures

Freedom of Information Publication Scheme

Governors' Allowances


Documents referenced in statutory guidance

Please click on the link to view the policy/document.


First Aid, including Medical Needs


Other documents

Please click on the link to view the policy/document.

